The Nursery
Trees at the nursery
Trees listed are all the trees we regularly have available during a season. Not all plants are available at all times. We List the trees that we have found do will in our region, and in our soils. Please contact us with inquiries about varieties that might not be listed here.
- Almond, All in One
- Almond, Hall’s Hardy
- Almond, Russian
- Apple, Jonathon
- Apple, Arkansas Black
- Apple, Calville Blanc
- Apple, Courtland
- Apple, Delicious
- Apple, Gala
- Apple, Granny Smith
- Apple, Grimes Golden
- Apple, Honeycrisp
- Apple, Jonathan
- Apple, Kidd’s Orange Red
- Apple, Liberty
- Apple, Liberty
- Apple, Newtown Pippin
- Apple, Pippin, Cox’s Orange
- Apple, Winesap
- Apricot, Blenheim
- Apricot, Bryan
- Apricot, Harcot
- Apricot, Lorna (YGP)
- Apricot, Moorman
- Apricot, Moorpark
- Apricot, Puget Gold
- Apricot, Sungold
- Apricot, Tilton
- Apricot, Ume Pink
- Blackberry, Black Butte
- Cherry
- Cherry, Bing
- Cherry, Bing
- Cherry, Black Republican
- Cherry, Choke
- Cherry, English Morello
- Cherry, Meteor
- Cherry, Montmorency
- Cherry, Nanking
- Cherry, Rainer
- Cherry, Stella
- Cherry, Utah Giant
- Chestnut
- Crab Apple, Edible Dolgo
- Crab apple, Marilee
- Crab Apple, Red Vein Crab
- Crab Apple, Whitney edible
- Fig, Brown Turkey
- Fig, Texas Everbearing
- Grape, Candice
- Grape, Concord
- Grape, Glenora
- Grape, Himrod
- Grape, Inerlaken
- Grape, Muscat
- Grape, Niagara
- Grape, Vanessa
- Jujube, Sugar Cane
- Nectarine, Goldmine
- Peach, Elberta
- Peach, Belle of Georgia
- Peach, Hale Haven
- Peach, Indian Blood
- Peach, J.H. Hale
- Peach, O’Henry
- Peach, Polly White
- Peach, Red Haven
- Peach, spp
- Peach, Topic Snow
- Pear ssp.
- Pear, Bartlett
- Pear, D’Anjou
- Pear, Oriental
- Pear, Parker
- Pear, Patten
- Pear, Shinko Pear
- Pear, Summercrisp Pear
- Pecan – Assorted
- Plucot, Flavor King
- Plum
- Plum, Stanley
- Plum, Elephant Heart
- Plum, French Prune
- Plum, Green Gage
- Plum, Mt Royale
- Plum, Santa Rosa
- Plum, Satsuma
- Pluot, Dapple Dandy
- Pluot, Flavor King
- Walnut
- Walnut, Carpathian
- Walnut, Chandler
- Walnut, R. Livermore
- Ash – Arizona
- Ash – Autumn Purple
- Ash – Patmore
- Ash – Raywood
- Ash – Sngle leaf
- Ash – Summit
- Aspen
- Birch – River
- Box Elder, Sensation
- Boxelder
- Catalpa
- Catalpa, Purple
- Chitalpa
- Cottonwood – Lanceleaf
- Cottonwood – Male/Cottonless
- Cottonwood – Mixed Sex
- Flowering cherry
- Flowering Pear Tree
- Ginkgo Tree
- Golden Rain Tree
- Hackberry – Common
- Hackberry – Netleaf
- Hawthorn
- Honeylocust, Shademaster
- Honeylocust, Skyline
- Honeylocust, Streetkeeper
- HopHornbeam tree
- Kentucky Coffee Tree
- Kentucky Coffee Tree, Espresso
- Lilac Tree
- Linden – Greenspire
- Locust, Purple Robe
- Maple, Amur
- Maple, Big Tooth
- Maple, Bigtooth
- Mimosa
- Mulberry, Fruitless
- Oak – Gambel’s
- Oak – Turbinella
- Oak -various
- Pea Shrub, tree form
- Pistache – Chinese
- Poplar – Thieves Lombardy
- Purple Robe Locust
- Purpleleaf Plum
- Purpleleaf Plum or Cherry
- Redbud
- Service Berry, tree form
- Smokebush
- Sycamore
- Vitex Tree
- Weeping Mulberry
- Willow – Black/Gooding
- Willow – Coyote
- Willow – Desert
- Willow – Navajo Globe
- Willow – Wisconsin Weeping
- Zelkova
- Arborvitea
- Juniper – Common
- Juniper – One Seed
- Juniper – One-Seed
- Juniper – Rky Mtn
- Juniper – Rocky Mountain
- Juniper – Sea Green
- Juniper – Skyrocket
- Juniper – Spartan
- Juniper – Spartan
- Juniper – Utah
- Pine – Afghan
- Pine – Austrian
- Pine – Mugo
- Pine – Pinyon
- Spruce – Colorado
Big Basin Sage
Curlleaf Mountain Mahogany
Desert Holly